Following the mysterious assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, delegates find themselves drawn into an investigation to die for. Ask not what your country can do for you… ask why there is blood on the floor, though.
In this murder-mystery inspired crisis committee, delegates will play the roles of family, friends, and colleagues drawn into the investigation of the century: the Kennedy assassination. With the downfall of your former president of the United States, it will be in delegates’ hands to set affairs in order, ensure justice is served, and perhaps even influence the future of a confused and frightened nation in the aftermath.
While the format of this committee will remain relatively similar to other crisis committees, there may be some incorporation of investigative, courtroom-style techniques, from police reports and other documents revealed as more is uncovered about the case, to potential witness testimonies and question periods as delegates attempt to determine once and for all, “whodunnit”. Ultimately, the opportunity individuals will have to delve deeper into this case, and perhaps influence its outcomes to their own ends, will be determined by the actions of the committee.
Motive, mystery, and murder. Everyone has something to gain…and to lose.
While the format of this committee will remain relatively similar to other crisis committees, there may be some incorporation of investigative, courtroom-style techniques, from police reports and other documents revealed as more is uncovered about the case, to potential witness testimonies and question periods as delegates attempt to determine once and for all, “whodunnit”. Ultimately, the opportunity individuals will have to delve deeper into this case, and perhaps influence its outcomes to their own ends, will be determined by the actions of the committee.
Motive, mystery, and murder. Everyone has something to gain…and to lose.
Head Chair Sirius Hazelwood, Vice Chair Weston Wang, Crisis Director Eisha Khan