The year is 1995, and the results are in: the fight for nationhood is over at last. Now, delegates must come together to build a new Quebec, instilling it with traditional or radical values as they see fit.
After the failures of the Meech Lake Accords and the rise and power of the Parti Québécois; tensions would continue to rise until a breaking point. It is now 1995, and in this alternate universe after a long fight for self-determination, the sovereigntists of Québec have won the referendum and successfully seceded from Canada. Delegates, it is up to you and your fellow economists, politicians, CEOs and community leaders to determine the rights and liberties of Quebec’s constitution and establish a government that you desire. Whether the government is to be radical or sympathetic, delegates must use their diplomacy and respective knowledge to create a government that supports their own agenda, while securing the support of the masses. Alongside this, delegates must stabilize the economy of Québec through negotiations and incentives to keep the corporations that (for now) reside in this new nation. Ultimately, delegates will work together and create working papers that will allow Québec to prosper as a nation of its own. In the immortal words of Charles de Gaulle, Vive le Québec libre!
Head Chair Matthew Hu, Vice Chair Devyani Bamane
- This committee will use subtopics, with no primary speakers list or setting of the agenda. Working papers are to be holistic solutions to the subject matter of committee.